Inspired by the ancient landscape, Heather’s intensely carved, textured, and colored work reflects her curiosity and reverence for the living, breathing world. Heather holds undergraduate and graduate degrees in art education and has experience teaching art at all levels across several states and abroad. She is a recipient of the American Association of Woodturners 2024 POP Artist Showcase and serves on the board of the Flint Hills Woodturners in northeast Kansas.
Website: www.heathermarusiak.com
Instagram: @heathermarusiak
Power Beneath the Surface
Learn how to create dynamic power-carved forms and surface textures that probe beyond the exterior curves of woodturned objects. Whether you are interested in creating small carved accents to complement traditional turnings or are interested in how to dramatically alter the three-dimensional form and flow of a work, come learn about the tools, techniques, and how to master the “subtractive mindset.”

Turn and Burn
Harness pin-pointed heat and flame to transform your work into something extraordinary. With a high-temperature pyrography pen, learn how to create dramatic markings and textures on turned and/or carved surfaces. Explore how burn-texturing may be used to enhance the form and flow of a woodturned object, and observe how flamework may be used to exploit the unique growth patterns of certain wood species.