Jolie Karno has been a professional woodturner for more than 10 years. Her work has been shown in galleries and private collections, including the Warnick Foundation, The Museum of Art and Wood, The Crucible, Art galleries around the Bay Area.

Jolie has demonstrated and taught about woodturning at ShopTech in San Francisco, The Crucible in Oakland, Maker Faire in San Francisco and Oakland and Lower 48 Woodshop.

She founded and runs the only nonprofit school solely for woodturning in the United States. Lower 48 teaches woodturning to everyone and does extra outreach to no traditional turners including Women, BiPoc and LGBTQ communities in the San Francisco Bay Area.

In addition to turning fine furniture legs and Victorian architecture, Jolie makes sculpture that starts at the lathe.


Making Faster Boxes!

Jolie Karno

Learn to make lidded boxes quickly and without having to use calipers. I’ll teach you how to make several of these quickly for markets, gifts, and projects of all kinds.

HANDS-ON: Make a mallet that actually fits your hand

Jolie Karno

This demo touches on all the basic tools of spindle turning. I will show the use a spindle roughing gouge, spindle detail gouge, parting tool, and a scraper. I’ll shape the 4 parts of a mallet and select a volunteer from the audience to make the measurements and make a mallet to the specific size of their hand. We will add some decoration if time allows.