Katie is from Columbia, TN a small town outside of Nashville. She began woodturning with her grandfather in 2015 and has been making shavings ever since. She enjoys teaching woodturning to others and has taught at the AAW Symposium youth room, Woodcraft of Nashville, and the Columbia Arts Building.
Instagram @fritowoodworking
Kitchen Tools and Techniques
In this demo we will discuss different kitchen kits and how to turn, sand, and finish a coffee scoop and biscuit cutter. This class won’t be all about spindles but will focus on sanding techniques, differentiating between kits, and good finishes for kitchen utensils and tools. The participant will walk away with the basics of turning kitchen utensils and the ability to apply the sanding, and finishing techniques to other turning projects of their own.

HANDS-ON: ABC’s of Woodturning
This demo is aimed for the beginner woodturner to get the basics down pat. We will make a small bowl and possible spindle for beads and coves if time allows. This class has stemmed from a few years of teaching Woodturning classes at the Woodcraft of Nashville store. It’s been a great way to realize what most people struggle with while beginning to turn. Participants should be able to walk away with a basic understanding of how a bowl is cut from a tree, cut round, mounted on a lathe, turned, tenon making, hollowing, sharpening, sanding, and finishing techniques.