Margaret retired in 2019 after a 38 year career as a maintenance mechanic working, the majority of her career, as a brewing technician at Anheuser-Busch. She had gone through metal machine shop training during her apprenticeship so was familiar with most shop equipment. After taking a couple woodturning classes, she started her journey. She joined RMWT club in 2020 and is currently the club vice president and program director. Woodturning is a way for Margaret to express herself in creating both functional and artistic pieces. She is always eager to try new projects and enjoys the learning process along the way.
Turn a Birdhouse
I will demonstrate turning a two piece birdhouse; the body and the roof much like turning a lidded box. Spindle turning basics will be covered as both pieces will be turned in spindle orientation and I will demonstrate end grain hollowing. Tool, equipment use and wood selection will be covered. This is a great project for using scrap wood pieces or branches. Bird houses can be very simple or as ornate as one’s imagination.

HANDS-ON: Turn a Lighthouse
In this demo, I will turn a lighthouse from a branch leaving the bark and natural edge at the base which adds to the design. Tool choice and spindle turning basics will be covered. There are a few techniques and shortcuts I will cover making this a simple project for all levels of turners.