Preliminary Schedule

We are still working on the actual schedule for the symposium, but I’ve posted a preliminary version so you can see how things will go. The assignment of specific demonstrations to time/room slots will probably change between now and September, but the overall timing and flow of things will likely be the same as shown.

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Registration is Open

You can now register for the 2019 Rocky Mountain Woodturning Symposium here! Prices have not changed from last year – still $170 for the full weekend plus banquet if you register before August 15. We’ve added new options for partial attendance, for those of you who can’t do the entire weekend: Friday and Saturday or…

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First set of Demonstrators Announced

Finally! We have confirmed with a few demonstrators! Dereck Weidman makes amazing and crazy multi-axis animals. Anthony Harris will teach us about riding the bevel and hand-chasing threads. Tod Raines will demonstrate the hook tool. Michael Alguire will show us how he makes his amazing Wheels of Delicacy. More are on the way – stay…

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New Website for 2019

We’ve confirmed our 2019 dates to be September 13-15. I hope you like the updated look of our website. I am going to try to keep this list of updates going this year so you can stay informed of what’s changing on the site. We don’t yet have our demonstrator list confirmed yet, but things…

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