2024: Jean-François Escoulen, Dale Larson, Rudy Lopez, Jacques Vesery, Kimberly Winkle, Michael Anderson, Christian Brisepierre, Linda Ferber, Joe Fleming, Chris Hoehle, Vinny Luciani, Randy Olander, Doug Schneiter, Chip Siskey
2023: David Ellsworth, Yann Marot, Keith Gotschall, Graeme Priddle, Melissa Engler, Mark Gardner, Laurent Niclot, Kailee Bosch, Martin Christensen, Jessica Edwards, John Giem, Dave Landers, Don Prorak, Tod Raines, Pat Scott, Jeff Wyatt
2020-2022: Cancelled due to Covid
2019: Anthony Harris, Bob Franklin, Derek Weidman, John Beaver, Michael Alguire, Michael Andersen, Stuart Batty, Tod Raines, Vince Wilson, Becca Kilpinski
2018: Mike Mahoney, Dale Larson, Jason Breach, Sally Ault, Merryll Saylan, Trent Bosch, Doug Schneiter, Michael Roper, Brian Gisi, Joe Fleming
2017: Cynthia Carden Gibson, Eric Lofstrom, Kurt Hertzog, Cindy Drozda, Curt Theobald, Jonathan Medina, Stuart Batty, Tom Wirsing, Rick Orr
2016: David Ellsworth, Nick Cook, John Jordan, Les Brandt, Ron Ainge, Joe Fleming, Jay Shepard, Keith Gotschall, Michael Anderson, Larry Fox, Milo Scott, Allen Jensen
2015: Glenn Lucas, Steve Sinner, David Ellsworth, Betty Scarpino, Vince Wilson, Janice Levi, Ron Day, Doug Schneider, Sam Angelo, Merryll Saylan, Al Mirman, Gordon Dekrey, Michael Roper
2014: David Ellsworth, Kip Christensen, Kirk DeHeer, Jason Schneider, Michael Blankenship, Rick Orr, John Giem, Dale Bonertz, Allen Jensen, Tom Wirsing, Rudy Lopez, Trent Bosch
2013: Cancelled due to Flood
2012: John Jordan, Johannes Michaelson, Paul Fennell, Steve Worcester, Gordon Dekrey, Robert Boettcher, Doug Schneiter, Trent Bosch, Cindy Drozda
2011: David Ellsworth, Dixie Biggs, David Nitmann, Al Hockenberry, Rick Orr, Tom Wirsing, Christen Briespierre, Rex Burningham, Larry Fox , Kathryn Kowalski, Bradley McCalister
2010: Jimmy Clewes, Stuart Mortimer, David Marks, Bruce Hoover, David Nittmann, James McClure, Allen Jensen , Trent Bosch, Kathryn Kowalski, Larry Fox, Sam Angelo
2009: Cindy Drozda, Matthew Hill, Allen Jensen, Craig Timmerman, Thomas Farrell, Ed Davidson , John Giem, Pete Holtus, Marty Christensen, Curt Theobald, Joe Fleming, Trent Bosch
2008: Mike Mahoney, Keith Gotschall, Clay Foster, Molly Winton, Pete Holtus, Don Hines, Stuart Batty, Phil Lackey, Dennis Liggett
2007: Steve Worcester, David Ellsworth, Larry Fox, Don Derry, Rex Birmingham , Ron Gerton, Ric Romano, Trent Bosch, Lee Carter
2006: Michael Mocho, Andi Wolfe, Keith Gotschall, Dale Larson, Bruce Hoover, Trent Bosch, Dale Nish, Lee Carter, Paul/Doc Thode, Dick Moody, John Lynch
2005: Al Stirt, Skip Bellock , Bear Limvere, Brandon Mackie , Kent Krueger, Paul/Doc Thode, Stuart Mortimer, Dale Nish, Pete Holtus, Curt Theobald , Cindy Drozda, Lee Whiteside, Aaron Jensen, Allen Jensen, Trent Bosch , Richard Bailey, Dick Moody, Cindy Drozda, David Nittmann, Lee Carter
2004: Binh Pho, David Nittmann, Skip Bellock , Tommy Sorensen, Keith Gotschall, Trent Bosch, Doug Schneiter, Allen Jensen , Marilyn Campbell, Elmer Jacobs, Bruce Cohen, Steve DeJong, Bear Limvere, Lee Carter, Curt Theobald, Dick Moody, Pete Holtus, Brandon Mackie, Cindy Drozda
2003: Stuart Batty, Doug Schneiter, Jacques Vesery, Keith Gotschall, Trent Bosch, Curt Theobald, Bruce Cohen, Mike Paulson, Lee Carter, Cindy Drozda, David Nittmann, Bear Limvere, Joe Wagner, Steve DeJong, Dick Moody, Alan Lambert
2002: Rex Birmingham, Phil Brennon, Alan Lambert, Bruce Cohen, Pete Holtus, David Nittmann, Cindy Drozda, Keith Gotschall, Doug Schneiter, Paul/Doc Thode, Allen Jensen, Dale Kechter, Don Deatherage, Dick Moody
2001: Christian Burchard, Bonnie Klein, Don Deatherage, Kip Christiensen, Lavonne Kaiser
2000: Dick Sing, Mike Mahoney, Pete Holtus, David Gillespie, Lee Carter, Don Deatheridge , Keith Gotschall, Steve DeJong, David Nittmann, Paul/Doc Thode, Doug Schneiter
1999: Clay Foster, Max Krimmel, Pete Holtus, Fritz Spokas, Steve DeJong, Lee Carter, David Nittmann, Trent Bosch, Curt Theobald, Paul/Doc Thode, Doug Schneiter, Dave Gillespie